Have questions about virtual speech therapy services via telehealth? Contact us today. We offer these services for a variety of communication disorders including articulation and can provide services to clients in Texas and Illinois.
Articulation therapy is probably the best understood part of the speech world. There are things parents can do at home to facilitate good articulation skills and increase the effectiveness of speech therapy.
Practice with your child - you can find word lists online or ask your SLP for word lists. Most times an SLP will recommend that the student demonstrates good articulation of the target words in therapy so not to reinforce poor articulation skills outside of the therapy environment.
When your child misarticulates a sound within a word rephrase and repeat the misarticulated word back for them to hear. For some children you can do this very directly but many children prefer not to hear that they said a word “wrong” every single time they misarticulate. You can delicately give a good speech model by rephrasing and repeating.
Recommend your child practices with a mirror during set aside speech practice time.
Remind your child that they have important things to say and you want to understand them every time they speak. Articulation deficits can be very frustrating for children and reminding them that the content of their speech is as important as the articulation for their speech is huge.
Your child’s SLP can provide detailed and specific recommendations based on your child’s needs.